Yampolsky, Mariana



Yampolsky, Mariana





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United States



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Yampolsky, Mariana


Mariana Yampolsky (September 6, 1925 – May 3, 2002) was one of the major figures in 20th-century Mexican photography, specializing in capturing photos of common people in everyday situations in the rural areas of the country. She was born in the United States, but came to Mexico to study art and never left, becoming a Mexican citizen in 1958. Her career in photography began as a sideline to document travels and work in the arts and politics, but she began showing her photography in the 1960s. From then until her death in 2002, her work was exhibited internationally receiving awards and other recognition both during her lifetime and posthumously. (en)

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Title Alternate label Class
Hacia el sur Provided CHO
Muchacha Provided CHO
Famila polaca Provided CHO
¡A nosotros no! Provided CHO
(Sin título) (Serie de los negros) Provided CHO
Niños trabajando para la paz Provided CHO
Herde mixe Provided CHO
Ruíz Cortines Provided CHO
Escuela rural Provided CHO
Literatura infantil Provided CHO
Me quedé sin escuela Provided CHO
Jorge Negrete Provided CHO
La división Provided CHO
Madederos Provided CHO
Asaltando al tren de Guadalajara Provided CHO
Mercado de flores Provided CHO
La enferma Provided CHO
Retrato de Marco Antonio Provided CHO
Tehauntepec Provided CHO
Homenaje Provided CHO
Vendedoras en la via Provided CHO
Pedrito Provided CHO
Violinista Provided CHO
Niño con matraca Provided CHO
Maiz de Tehuantepec Provided CHO