Zalce, Alfredo



Zalce, Alfredo





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Zalce, Alfredo


Alfredo Zalce Torres (12 January 1908 – 19 January 2003) was a Mexican artist and contemporary of Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros and other better-known muralists. He worked principally as a painter, sculptor, and engraver, also taught, and was involved in the foundation of a number of institutions of culture and education. He is perhaps best known for his mural painting, typically imbued with "fervent social criticism".[1] He is acclaimed as the first artist to borrow the traditional material of coloured cement as the medium for a "modern work of art".[2] Publicity-shy, he is said to have turned down Mexico's Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes before finally accepting it in 2001.[3] Before his death, Sotheby's described him as "the most important living Mexican artist up to date".[4]

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Ilustración Provided CHO
Mujer leyendo Provided CHO
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Batalla de las cruces Provided CHO
Constitución de la Rep. Mexicana Provided CHO
Acta de Chilpancingo Provided CHO
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Ilustración Provided CHO
En el museo Provided CHO
Despues de la derrota, cambiarse la camisa Provided CHO
En la puerta Provided CHO
Habitación improvisada Provided CHO
Puesto de comida Provided CHO
Calaveras Provided CHO
En el museo de historia natural Provided CHO
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El juicio del pueblo Provided CHO
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Victoriano Huerta Provided CHO
Biblioteca Provided CHO
Victoriano Huerta clausura la Cámara de Diputados Provided CHO
Despidiendo a Don Porfirio Provided CHO
Marx y Engels Provided CHO